Sunday, July 27, 2008

Live Boldly or How John Mayer Wrote Another Thought-Provoking Song That I'll Attempt to Apply to my Life

I think the title says it all, don't you?
Here's how it goes. John Mayer writes simply-written, albeit somewhat repetitive, songs that somehow manage to describe whatever identity crisis I am currently navigating. I was once Bigger than my Body gave me credit for, and once I overcame trying to fit the world inside a picture frame (3x5), and who didn't want to run through the halls of their high school at a reunion? Currently, I am trying to live boldly through the latest hit single, Say What You Need to Say. It is one of my top three songs to blast in the car right now, never failing to make me do one of those weird car dances. I kid myself into thinking that I have perhaps made someones day a little funnier as they watch my head bop around and my shoulders shake like I'm a fly girl (yeah, you remember). 
What is it about this song that brings this out in me? Well, I didn't realize it until a friend helped to put in in context a few months back. See, I have tried very hard to live my life as openly and honest as possible. When I tried to label it once, all I could come up with was to call it a "cut the shit" mentality. The idea, of course, being that if we were all just a little (lot) more honest with one another, we would stop feeling like the lone freak-show. We are all freak-shows, and we do not have to go through it in isolation. As I lay on a living room floor, loving this song, it occurred to me that it's message was to "cut the shit."
And wouldn't you damn-well know it, now I am conflicted about my own mantra. Should  I really say everything that I feel I need to say? Does this mean not censoring? In the heat of the moment or only after analyzing each situation until my eyes are ready to explode (as I do now)? Mr. Mayer, that know-it-all, tries to claim that even if my hands are shaking and my faith is broken yadda yadda yadda. To me that sounds incredibly romantic. And I'm sure that whatever I would need to say would be so romantic when I immediately vomit afterward. But it is worth it?
And then there's the BIG question. What if the things that you want to say, you also want someone else to bring up? It is rarely thought polite to give unsolicited advice. I would argue that saying everything on your mind, leaves no room for the thoughts and ideas of others. Maybe? Okay...if this seems to be going nowhere, here's why. I'm trying to make an actual into a hypothetical. So, let's say one person has feelings for another. Neither seems to be willing to acknowledge it so things continue endlessly until they don't. Because they've stopped. Because honesty has been stunted and therefore the relationship has stalled.
 Note: This portion is me actually cutting the shit. Be warned.
To whom it may concern: Get off your ass and do something about it! Be bold. No harm will come to you from it, I promise. Risks are there to be taken. Take a risk in trusting me! Make a grand gesture and I will reciprocate. I am getting weary in waiting. And if your hands shake, I will appreciate you more for it. If you're faith is broken, welcome to the club. And at that point, when your eyes are closing, I will close mine too. 
 So, there you go. Evidently, my idea of cutting the shit, is having someone cut it for me. ugh.

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