It's kinda my "thing." I have a way of finding the symbolism in freaking everything. This proved a helpful skill as a camp counselor but these quips more often stay locked in my journal. It could be because I was raised Catholic. It has become my way of seeing "signs." It could just be one of the many weird things I do. I am struck with the symbolic nature of the mundane at very odd times. Such was the case this morning. As I stood in the shower, nearly blinding myself with shampoo and thinking about the eye exam on today's schedule, I began to contemplate the other meanings found in these ordinary tasks. It could be a stretch, but hold tight.
I am getting over a guy. A good guy. I've heard that in order to have a successful relationship, you must first have the person, place and timing in place. Not that crazy. Person, obviously...well, hopefully (did you see Lars and the Real Girl?). Place could be physical location or place in life. Same could be said of Timing. Without all three, everything else in the relationship will be made more difficult. Or so I've been told by countless magazine and television experts.
What the hell do eyes have to do with it? Good question. I haven't had an eye exam in maybe 4 years. Having broken the glasses that came of that exam, I am currently sporting specs I got in high school. The prescription is really wrong. They fall off my face every time I look down. I actually have to keep them sitting crooked on my head so that they look straight in a mirror. I don't know what's taken me so long in finding a remedy to this. They drive me INSANE!
This debacle I've allowed to happen to my poor, strained eyes is not unlike the situation I have found myself in in relationships. It's amazing what I'll put myself through sometimes before I buck up and find a better way, obvious as it may be. Those "rose-colored" lenses of love impair the view of red flags. I will move the glasses to keep them looking straight even though the fact that they aren't to begin a problem.
So as I move on from a relationship, eager for a better one, I am looking forward to the symbolic nature of my eye exam today. I will have a new, clear, slightly less coke-bottle looking outlook on life and love. At least, for today, I will pretend this errand will negate all of my past transgressions, leaving me available for the healthiest relationship EVER! ha.
(crazy photos of me in glasses throughout my life will have to follow later)