Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things To Know About My Boo.

For no other reason than because I woke up feeling blessed to have her, I would like to take a moment to tell the world what makes my best friend so great.

1. Inside jokes. There are not many people who would leave me a message that starts with "Hey Hobag" and I would be okay with it. There are also no many who would find humor in the true meaning of Backwoods or why I should avoid alcohol on Christmas.

2. Unconditional support. She will drop anything to talk on the phone or be present for events in my life. The night I moved back from Chicago, she and her husband helped to unload the truck. When I was "evacuated" from Africa, she was at the airport. When my dad and I had a big falling out, I stayed at her house. She rushes over to listen to me vent and cry on a whim.

3. Sometimes I think she's more proud of me than my mom. I hope she knows how proud I am of her too. 

4. Encouragement. She's the first to say "go for it" when I concoct a new, crazy adventure. 

5. Intellectual conversation. We have great talks and I love that we can challenge and bounce ideas about faith, simplicity, morality etc off of one another.

6. Nothing. I love when we do nothing together. We can sit on a couch and watch Best Week Ever or cruise You Tube, never feeling that we should be doing more. 

7. Lack of judgement. I am often unfair, critical and emotional. She never holds it against me, even when I'm way off base.

8. Inappropriate e-greeting cards. Oh man, she's found some crazy ones! They always make me laugh.

9. Her ability to shame Jackie O. Seriously, this chick is always designing, baking, growing or entertaining something. And she does it whilst looking like she just stepped out of Jackie O's closet. 

10. That she will hate EVERY one of the pictures I posted on this blog. It cracks me up. (Don't worry though, Boo. Only 3 people read this blog and you're one of them...sorry about the bra strap. In my defense, you posted that cartwheel crotch shot on Facebook. Not cool.)

I could go on for much longer, but not all of you know Sarah so I'll cut it off here. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world with an amazing best friend. We all have someone who provides us exactly what we need in a friend. At a certain point, your friends can become more your family than your actual family.  Sarah is my family. The closest thing to a sister I'll ever have. 11 years have passed since we met and I seriously cannot imagine my life without her. Thanks for being my boo, Boo. 
**also, thanks to Ryan. you are wonderful too**


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, you are making me cry at work you dirty hobag. I love you.

And for the record, I do like the picture with the green scarf. Holler.

Melissa said...

Aren't best friends - true, authentic, real, down-and-dirty-in-the-trenches-with-you best friends - the best? I know I wouldn't trade mine for anything. I don't have a sister but Audrey has become that for me since we met 20 years ago. I'm glad you and Sarah have something so special.