Monday, October 12, 2009

Wah Wah Waaaaaahhhh

My first attempt at high altitude baking...kind of a flop.

What I thought would be the most basic place to start, the chocolate chip cookie, has come out flat and tasting kind of caramel-flavored. They are crispy on the bottom but a bit too chewy on the top. I swear I followed the instructions on the back of the tollhouse bag (yep, I'm a back of the bag recipe gal) exactly as written. This leads me to think that either:

A) The high-altitude stuff will take some getting used to
B) The oven in my new apartment is somehow broken, showing favoritism to only cookie bottoms
C) I went too far in adding a small amount of oatmeal (so maybe I didn't follow directions exactly)
D) Something was amiss with one or some of my ingredients. Anyone out there used Lucerne butter?
E) The education system has failed me and I can't read

The great thing about cookies, however, is that it doesn't REALLY matter their texture. As long as there's an ample amount of chocolate, they will be consumed.

At any rate, I work at a camp. There are many here who I'm sure I could convince to eat one of my less-that-stellar cookies.

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