Example: I was short on cash after college and found someone on craigslist to Ride Share to Chicago. Me, a young, single post-grad, I thought my mom was going to kill me. I picked him up in Des Moines, IA and by the time we got to Chicago, we were great friends, jokingly referring to ourselves as "Harry" and "Sally." To this day, we keep in touch.
I know quite a few people who've met great boyfriends/girlfriends/fiancees online...although I still can't fully give in to it.
In the last 3 years, I've had a pretty great run finding employers online. Not necessarily my full-time gigs but my side jobs. I have found three INCREDIBLE families to do some occasional babysitting for. Having recently just found the third in my run, I've been reflecting on my shear luck in meeting some of the coolest kids/parents out there.
The first, right after I moved back to Omaha, was a military family. Dad traveled a lot and mom just needed some "sanity" time. Thanks to our mutually flexible schedules, I watched their very sweet one-year-old for a little over a year. They included me in birthday parties and genuinely cared about me as much as I did them. I was SO bummed when they moved to PA but it led me back to craigslist and to...
The TRIPLETS! Two girls and a boy, these three were attached to mom's hip and never left one another's side. When they cried, they all cried...thankfully, it was more amusing than frustrating as they got on their hands and knees and rocked back and forth, completely synchronized. They loved to giggle and play outside (woohoo!). It was always so nice when mom came home...so we could have a glass of wine. On several occasions, I stayed longer talking with mom and dad than I had actually been watching their children. This time, I moved. Again, looking for just enough extra income to cover my "fun money," I went back online, where I found...
the social ski bums! They found themselves renting a home in Winter Park in order to "get a life." Dad, the hard-working professional and mom, the hard-working stay-at-home mom, they needed a place to run away to find freedom and fun. They loved my interest in staying active with their children and I loved their laid-back, trusting attitude toward me. The first afternoon I babysat, they came home and offered me a glass of wine. 3 bottles and 8 hours later, I finally left, completely in love with them (and for those of you who know me...it wasn't just because of the alcohol)! They are generous beyond belief and last night, for Thanksgiving, treated me to a lavish dinner at the Lodge at Sun Spot (at the top of Winter Park resort). Before I left, dad said "Jessie, you're family so I hope you know we expect you to spend holidays with us if you're not at home." You have no idea how nice this was to hear. They are the beginning of my Winter Park community (well, outside of my place of employment) and you know, I already consider them to be my family too.
I have been so blessed to find such wonderful people! Families who allow me into their lives, include me in making family decisions, confide in me and with whom I will gladly do the same. Last night, on Thanksgiving, I was reminded of how fortunate I've been in this area of my life and how randomly our blessings find their way to us. Even through the ominous internet.
I'd post pics, but I kinda have a thing about positing pics of other people's kids online...the internet's scary, you know! :)
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